Category 01 – Dedication To Sustainability


Entries will be judged on the clear commitment to sustainable practices, positive environmental impact and social contribution throughout the company's operations, including, emissions control, waste and water management, reuse and recycling measures, and use of renewables.

"*" indicates required fields

Logo should be supplied on a transparent background.
Accepted file types: png, Max. file size: 10 MB.
A description of the measures and/or methods that have been adopted which demonstrate a clear commitment to sustainable practices and positive environmental impact, such as to reducing the carbon footprint, reducing emissions, reducing waste (including water), sourcing sustainable materials/products, use of renewables and improving the energy efficiency of your company’s daily operations, plant and machinery.
A description of the measures that have been adopted by your company to reduce/reuse/recycle material following deconstruction of existing buildings/infrastructure and promote the principles of circular economy.
A description of the measures your company takes to ensure social contribution and minimising inconvenience to the community in the vicinity of construction/installation projects.
Evidence (max. 500 words) referring to examples/measures applied on projects and daily practices (submission can include photos, drawings, statements, etc.). [File name: Companyname_Cat01_04]
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Testimonials (max. 200 words per testimonial) from at least one client and at least one Warranted professional (Architect/Civil Engineer or Mechanical/Electrical Engineer as relevant) substantiating your statements above. Testimonials should include Warranted professional/client name and relevant project/s. [File name: Companyname_Cat01_05]
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.