Category 04 – Commitment to Wellbeing, Health and Safety


Entries will be judged on the demonstration of commitment to robust health and safety measures and initiatives, meeting and exceeding requirements not only to minimise risk of physical injuries, but also towards the holistic wellbeing of the workforce and the community, including processes to report and address injuries and near misses.

"*" indicates required fields

Logo should be supplied on a transparent background.
Accepted file types: png, Max. file size: 10 MB.
A description of the procedures your company has in place to satisfy and exceed requirements stated in relevant local health and safety regulations, codes, and standards.
A description of your company’s commitment through adoption of policies, SOPs, protective and preventive measures and initiatives towards the holistic wellbeing of workers, ongoing training, development of competences and health and safety awareness of employees.
A description of the measures adopted to ensure safety and consideration towards the community. Include reference to implemented training, protective and preventive measures, supervision, reporting of these measures, communication and dissemination of information etc.
A description of the procedures your company has in place in case of accidents, occupational diseases, dangerous occurrence or near misses at the workplace. Describe also any mental and physical wellbeing benefits and support available to employees.
Evidence (max. 500 words) referring to examples/measures applied on projects and daily practices (submission can include photos, drawings, statements, etc.) [File name: Companyname_Cat04_05]
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Testimonials (max. 200 words per testimonial) from at least one client and at least one Warranted professional (Architect/Civil Engineer or Mechanical/Electrical Engineer as relevant) substantiating your statements above. Testimonials should include Warranted professional/client name and relevant project/s. [File name: Companyname_Cat04_06]
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.